

5 outdoors places to practise your French in Ottawa

Ottawa is full of parks and is bordered by 2 main rivers: the Rideau and the Ottawa Rivers. There’s only one step from the city to nature. Here are 5 places in the heart of nature to brush up on your French conjugations, vocabulary, and exceptions!

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Spring activities in Ottawa in French

You’ve probably heard by now that some people see Ottawa as a boring city with little to do. With a majority of government workers, some think the city sleeps at night as well as during the day. If finding activities in English is considered difficult, finding them in French can seem impossible. At Alliance Française Ottawa, “impossible” is a word we don’t use much in our vocabulary, and today have put together a list of spring activities to do in Ottawa in French, outdoors or indoors.

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 What does OSR (Organizational Social Responsibility) mean for an Alliance Française?

Because an Alliance Française is a not-for-profit organisation that welcomes, educates, and entertains thousands of Francophiles, taking up OSR issues is both an obvious and a daily challenge. To shed light on the actions taken by the Alliances Françaises on this subject, in 2022, Alliances Sonores conducted a OSR action research project with a dozen pilot Alliances Françaises from the area and from France.

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5 organisations involved in sustainable food in the Outaouais region

Food is a subject that concerns everyone. Learning French often starts with a few basics about food. In this article, we’re going to introduce you to 5 organizations in the Outaouais region that are committed to more responsible eating for our planet and our bodies.

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Can events and culture be responsible?

Events and culture can be used to raise public awareness of environmental issues. We aimed to highlight 5 committed cultural events that have taken place in Ottawa.

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Where to find things to do in Ottawa?

Ottawa is the capital of Canada. Too “boring” for some, Ottawa nonetheless abounds in varied activities. Culture, sports, visual arts, sightseeing, culinary delights: there’s plenty to keep you busy during your weeks and weekends in Canada’s capital.

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Forging Links

As part of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, and driven by a desire to build bridges between the Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities in the National Capital Region, the Alliance française Ottawa wishes to host two artists to create a unique work.

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Children and French learning

Children and French learning

Fewer and fewer children are learning French in Ottawa. There are many reasons for this, including the parents and their desire to pass on their mother tongue. Find out more about the other reasons and the importance of French-language learning facilities.

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How to learn French fast at home?

How to learn French fast at home?

Your home is your safe space, the place you go to when you need some rest, some comfort, to be with your family and relax. But did you know that your home could also be used as language training center? Here are six ways to improve your French at home. Discover our practical, fun and educational tips.

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How to understand French homonyms?

Homonyms, or words that are pronounced the same when spoken but do not have the same meaning. They can be quite complex to distinguish for a non-native speaker. Read the following article to learn how they work.

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Top 5 activities to do in French in Ottawa

The city of Ottawa is full of interesting activities that you can do. But it is not always easy to find where the events in French are hidden. The Alliance Française d’Ottawa has prepared a Top 5 activities to do in French in Ottawa, to facilitate your research and allow you to practice your French!

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Top 5 most famous Francophones in Canada

Too often underestimated, the Francophones of Canada are however present on the national, and even international, scene. They have numerous successes in the music world, cinema, medicine, politic, hockey or even literature.

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When trying to learn a new language, immersion in an environment where that language is spoken is often an excellent experience. About 23% of the Canadian population has French as their first official language.

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French and English are relatedDid You Know? French and English are Almost Cousins!

We tend to think of languages, or language families, as something hermetic. In fact, languages are ever changing and permeable to other languages they come into contact with. The example of both French and English is a case in point. Over 10 000 words in English come from French. And we are not talking about recent additions such as “croissant “or “déjà vu”.

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Why is it important to speak French in Ottawa?

There are many reasons why it is not only important but essential to speak French in Ottawa. On one hand, it is the capital city of Canada, therefore the parliament as well as many departments and government agencies are located in this place, and are always in need of bilingual employees.


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How to Properly Say You Need Something in FrenchHow to Properly Say You Need Something in French

The French language can be a bit challenging to master, for many English speakers. Which does not mean it is impossible to learn, far from it! It is among the easiest languages to learn for those who speak the language of Shakespeare and Uncle Sam.


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Three most common mistakes made by French learners

Making linguistic or grammatical mistakes when learning a foreign language is quite normal, especially when you are just starting out. In this article we will reveal the most common mistakes made by French language learners and help you to remedy them.


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Happy Canada Day.


What to do in Ottawa in French during Canada Day?

Are you learning French and looking for things to do in French in Ottawa? We have some suggestions for you and most of them are free and offered every day of the week! So, what will it be? A walking circuit in Vanier? A visit of the Museoparc exhibitions? An outdoor concert? Take your pick! Enjoy! 

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Why learn French in Canada?

In this article, we will reveal 2 good reasons why it is important to learn French when living in Canada.

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Is French easy to learn?

The reason why you should not be afraid to learn French

French is the fifth most spoken language in the world with over 280 million speakers. It is also the official language in nearly 29 countries around the world.

French is not among the ten most difficult languages to learn. These include Mandarin, Arabic, Russian, Polish and many others. French is far behind in 14th to 17th place.


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The Francophony Month 2022 at Alliance Francaise Ottawa

Francophony Month is an opportunity for Francophones and Francophiles around the world to come together and celebrate the richness of the French language. The Alliance Francaise Ottawa was no exception to this rule as one of its purposes, is to be a center for sharing and discovering culture by organizing several activities.

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