This anglicism translates literally into French as ombrage or filature. This technique is defined as a method of evaluating the patient’s feelings and improving their experience.


What is shadowing?

This technique consists of repeating the words of a native speaker in order to improve pronunciation and acquire a good accent.

Repeat aloud, making sure to reproduce the same intonation and the same pauses.


Some advamtages:

The first advantage is that you will be able to express yourself orally with ease and fluency.

Secondly, these repetitions help to make the spoken word more lively.

And finally, it helps to get a good accent.


What tools?

You are wondering how to do this, how to implement this technique to get the best results. Here is a list of useful tools to practice:

French songs with subtitles and lyrics;
Short podcasts with various contents;
Speeches and lectures on interesting and accessible topics;
Audio books.



It is based on regular practice, devoting ten minutes a day to it.

This learning method is like observing a native speaker and becoming a “shadow” of that person in order to adopt their behaviour, interactions and language.

There is no doubt that this technique, which is accessible to all, is a way of improving your speaking skills. So why not you?