In order to keep all our students and teachers safe, our French grammar workshop takes place ONLINE on ZOOM until further notice.
Do you need to discover or review French grammar rules?
Alliance Française Ottawa offers you two online grammar workshops:
French Grammar :
Elementary level

This online workshop is designed especially for elementary level learners, to review basic concepts of French grammar through clear and simple explanations and lots of exercises.
In an online small-sized workshop, this 14 hours session aims at:
- Reviewing of key grammatical concepts, recognize errors, and correct them
- Learning to avoid Anglicisms
- Improving your grammatical skills and written efficiently
From level A2.3
New students must take the Evalang orientation test to assess their level.
Intermediate level

This online workshop focuses on 3 areas: Verbes and conjugation, Groupe nominal, Discours complexe
In this online small-sized workshop, this 14 hours is designed especially for intermediate learners and francophones with a high level in oral communication to :
- Increase overall knowledge on French grammar
- Improve writing skills, more specifically for professional communication such as emails and reports.
From level B1.1 and higher
New students must take the Evalang orientation test to assess their level.