Preparation course for level C written and reading tests
Our French training to prepare federal government French test takes place ONLINE.

Master the grammar rules you need to pass the Written Expression and Reading Comprehension tests at level C with our specialized course.
This course offers a complete program focused on reviewing the grammatical rules essential for deepening your knowledge and developing your reading comprehension, thus preparing you optimally for both types of written test.
You’ll cover concepts such as complex sentences, the different conjugation modes and verb tenses (indicative, subjunctive, conditional, past participle, present participle and gerund), relative pronouns, complementary pronouns, indirect discourse, the passive voice, and much more. You’ll develop your vocabulary and your ability to answer test questions in a timely manner.
In class, you’ll participate in dynamic activities:
- In-depth review of grammar rules ;
- Grammar exercises followed by detailed corrections and contrastive explanations;
- Exercises on blank written expression and reading comprehension tests followed by detailed corrections by the teaching team.
Admission requirements:
Join our written and reading tests preparation course now and acquire a solid grasp of the grammatical rules needed to successfully pass the C-level written expression and reading comprehension tests.
Our teaching team will support you throughout your learning process to help you achieve linguistic excellence.