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Exams Preparation

TEF, TCF & DELF B2 exams preparation

exam preparation



Do you wish to take the TEF, TCF, or DELF B2 exam for various reasons such as immigration, citizenship, or studies? If you want to learn the techniques to succeed in the TEF, TCF, and DELF B2 exams, the Alliance Française Ottawa offers you two solutions:






By enrolling in our private lessons, you will become familiar with the different components of the TEF, TCF, and DELF B2 exams. These courses will help you improve your four skills (Listening comprehension, reading comprehension, speaking, and writing) and achieve a better score on the TEF, TCF, or obtain your DELF B2 diploma. Our teachers are trained and certified examiners. They will assist you in preparing for the oral and written sections of these exams.

Private and semi-private courses


2. Practice online with PrepMyTEF, TCF preparation & PrepMyDELF B2

On these 100% online platforms, you have access to over 1,000 exercises and examples to prepare for the TEF, TCF, and DELF B2. Additionally, test simulations under real exam conditions and sample papers will help you become familiar with the exam format. With PrepMyTEF, PrepMyTCF, and PrepMyDELF technology, you will identify your strengths and weaknesses to better target your revisions and achieve the best results.


TEF Preparation:

PrepMyTEF allows you to practice under exam conditions for all versions of the TEF, wherever you are and at your own pace on an intuitive and easy-to-use interface.

PrepMy TEF Training Content: 

  • Comprehensive preparation for the 5 components
  • Grammar and vocabulary review
  • 1 TEF diagnostic test
  • Over 1,600 TEF-level exercises
  • 2 official mock exams covering the 5 modules
  • Detailed corrections for all exercises
  • Explanations in French and English
  • Customized programs for each type of TEF


TCF Preparation:

PrepMyFuture’s TCF preparation is an online solution for practicing all versions of the TCF: TCF Canada, TCF Quebec, TCF ANF, TCF DAP, TCF Tout Public.

On this platform, you can revise and prepare more effectively for the 5 components of the TCF:

  • Listening comprehension
  • Reading comprehension
  • Speaking
  • Writing
  • Mastery of language structures

PrepMy TCF Training Content: 

  • 1 mini TCF diagnostic test
  • TCF Mock tests
  • 38 course sheets to prepare for the TCF
  • Over 1,500 exercises with detailed corrections in French and English for TCF practice
  • And more!



DELF B2 Preparation:

With our online solution, you can revise and prepare more effectively for the 4 components of the DELF B2: Listening comprehension, reading comprehension, speaking, and writing.

PrepMy DELF B2 Training Content: 

  • 1 DELF placement test
  • 3 complete mock exams
  • Over 60 lesson sheets
  • Over 1,300 practice exercises
  • Customized study programs


In partnership withTEF preparation

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