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Alliance Française Halifax

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Cycle documentaires:
Portraits de Paris

This event is organized in partnership with:

“Blanche nuit à Paris” (All-Nighter in Paris)

By Jérome Caza and Arnaud Ngatcha / color documentary, 2002 – 54 minutes

Free admission, entrée libre
Followed by a guided tour of the museum
Le jeudi 21 octobre 2010 à 19h
(French, subtitled in English)
Thursday, October 21 2010, 7pm
AGNS, 1723 Hollis Street, Halifax

The documentary

The subject is the Parisian “all-nighter,” which was organized by the mayor’s office and took place on October 5, 2002. It shows performances and tours in very diverse venues of the capital. With the nocturnal travels of a group of onlookers as the unifying theme, this documentary follows the reactions of its organizers during the course of the night and, thanks to the presence of numerous cameras, accurately reproduces the successful and playful character of this joyous cultural event.

The exhibition

The documentary screening will be followed by a guided tour led by Mrs Fay Lee in French of the 2010 Sobey Award exhibition. Many thanks to Fay lee and Dale Shepard for their help.

The 2010 Sobey Art Award exhibition is on view from October 8, 2010 until January 2, 2011.

Organized by the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia and presented this year in Montréal at the Musée d’art contemporain, it will showcase the five shortlisted artists:
- Brendan Lee Satish Tang (West Coast & Yukon)
- Daniel Barrow (Prairies & The North)
- Brendan Fernandes (Ontario)
- Patrick Bernatchez (Québec)
- Emily Vey Duke + Cooper Battersby (Atlantic)

This year's winner will be announced on November 18 at a Gala event in Montréal.

The Festival

Portraits of Paris features a series of documentaries, with English subtitles It is put together by the Forum des Images, under an agreement between the Fondation Alliance Française and the City of Paris


The Forum of Images

The Forum of Images was founded in 1988 with the goals of building an audiovisual memory of Paris and conserving its history, as well as its architectural, cultural and social evolution. Today, the Forum’s special collections comprise 5,500 films, of which 4,000 hours of footage are on Paris from 1895 to the present. The films include many different formats, such as documentaries, publicity films and short, medium and full-length dramas.

Having organized festivals, special appearances, discussions, workshops, master classes, cinema courses and various other meetings and gatherings, the Forum of Images itself has also produced more than seven hundred films pertaining to social and urban change. These have enriched its collection on Paris, as well as its body of amateur films, which are important components of twentieth century memory. Each year, the Forum opens its doors to new, formerly inaccessible collections. All of this is made possible through a partnership maintained with institutions working for either the production or distribution of cinematic or television work.